Since very few objects are single-use only, measurement of an object’s resistance to compression during operationally typical conditions is necessary. Scragging induces in a material or object physical conditions that approximate the state of the material or object during intended usage. For example, scragging a tennis ball would provide simulation of the conditioning experienced by the ball during play. Without prior scragging, a tennis ball – even fresh from its pressurized container – would display atypically low resistance in a compression test. Tennis players will precondition a ball by bouncing it several times prior to serve. Bouncing warms the ball, which raises its pressure, providing it with increased elastic performance, ideally resulting in a more powerful serve.
To the layman, such preconditioning processes might be simply recognised as “warming up”, which is a fairly accurate description. Depending on their temperature, elastic materials can exhibit differing resistance to force, so scragging a ball prior to compression testing allows for a more realistic reading of the ball’s elastic properties.
So what governs the preconditioning procedure? To what limits is a material or object to be scragged? Spring scragging will depend on the requirements of the manufacturer, who might stipulate a scrag count of several hundreds. Tennis balls might be scragged only a dozen times, but manufacturers will usually submit their samples to a regulations body that will perform scragging and testing to ensure the balls perform to official standards.