Friday, 19 April 2013

MultiTest-xt videos

 Mecmesin TV is our own video channel where we post all our productions.  Here you can see some videos of our products and how they are used.  We have recently added a guided tour of the MultiTest-xt force testing stand.  In fact there are two videos, a long one, and a shorter version if you are in a hurry.  Either way, they both showcase the MultiTest-xt and the sort of testing it can do to help you improve the quality of your own products.

For the short video follow this link:

And for the longer version:

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Hope springs eternal...


Hope springs eternal...1

Well, if not actually forever, but it can seem like an eternity when you have a large number of springs to test.  Take a look at the video on Mecmesin TV and see how the MultiTest-xt can make light work of spring testing.

Follow the link to see how to measure spring rate and free-height at the same time.


1. Alexander Pope,  "An Essay on Man"

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Now, this won't hurt a bit....

Testing the operation of medical syringes

I am not saying that I faint at the sight of a hypodermic needle, but having an injection is not my idea of a good time out.  In order to make the process as easy as possible, the manufacturers of medical syringes want to know that the force needed to start the plunger moving is just right, and that it will travel to the end of the syringe smoothly without jerking.  This makes receiving the injection as trauma-free as possible,  a situation I, for one, am all in favour of.

Mecmesin TV is our house video channel and on it you can see some helpful short videos of the ways in which Mecmesin's products can help to maintain the quality of your own products.

The syringe testing video is on this link:

Solenoid testing made simple

Another short video shows how to measure the magnetic force developed by a solenoid as part of a Quality Control process.  Emperor software captures not just the peak force, but also records the characteristic decline as the plunger is withdrawn from the coil.  Emperor can plot multiple traces as the coil current is altered to verify the solenoid's performance over its operational range.

"Mecmesin TV" is the video channel where you can find all sorts of useful short videos on Mecmesin's products and how they can be used to help improve the quality of your own products.

Follow the link to see the video on solenoid testing: